Coffee Ceremony with a Jebena

Once upon a time, in the heart of Addis Ababa, the bustling capital of Ethiopia, there lived a coffee enthusiast named W. P. Barista. They had heard tales of the magical coffee-making rituals that took place in Ethiopian restaurants and cafes. W. P. Barista's love for coffee was legendary among their friends, and the ultimate surprise would be an unforgettable experience for their birthday.

On the morning of the special day, W. P. Barista was blindfolded and led to a traditional Ethiopian restaurant known for its exceptional coffee ceremonies. As they stepped inside, the rich aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans enveloped their senses, and the excitement grew. The sounds of laughter and animated conversations filled the air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness.

As W. P. Barista blindfold was removed, they found themselves seated at a low wooden table adorned with colorful, lush Ethiopian fabrics. In the center, a small charcoal burner called a “jebena“ sat atop a bed of hot coals, and a woman in traditional Ethiopian attire stood nearby, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

The coffee ceremony began with a ceremonial washing of green coffee beans in a shallow bowl. The hostess explained this symbolic act represented purity and cleansing, preparing the beans for their journey into becoming the aromatic elixir they all craved.

Next, they transferred the beans to a flat iron pan placed over the coals. The enticing aroma of the beans being roasted filled the room, and W. P. Barista couldn’t help but lean closer, mesmerized by the sight and sound of the beans crackling and dancing in the heat. The hostess skillfully stirred the beans with a wooden spatula, creating a mesmerizing rhythm.

Once the beans had transformed into a deep, chocolatey brown, they were ground to perfection using a heavy mortar and pestle. W. P. Barista watched in awe as the hostess effortlessly pounded the beans, releasing an intoxicating fragrance that made their mouths water.

The freshly ground coffee was placed in a “jebena,” a beautifully decorated clay pot with a slender neck and a round base. Boiling water was added, and they placed the pot back on the coals. W. P. Barista leaned in, anticipation growing as the coffee began to bubble and rise through the narrow neck of the pot.

Finally, the hostess poured the steaming coffee into small cups without handles, known as “cini,” and served them to everyone. As they took their first sip, they were transported to a world of flavors they had never experienced before–a harmonious blend of earthy, smoky, and slightly fruity notes that danced on her taste buds. It was a revelation.

They filled the room with laughter and joy as they savored their coffee, shared stories, and experienced the magic of Ethiopian coffee culture together. The rich aroma, the warm company, and the unique flavors made it a birthday celebration like no other.

As the ceremony ended, W. P. Barista couldn’t help but feel grateful for the thoughtful surprise the friends had orchestrated. It was an adventure of the senses, a journey through the traditions and flavors of Ethiopia, and an unforgettable experience for a coffee lover. From that day forward, Ethiopian coffee held a special place in W. P. Barista hearts, and they  knew that they had embarked on a lifelong love affair with this magical elixir.